1st Trimester

Unexpectedly Expecting - me too!

I am 11 days late and took a pregnancy test last night, and one this morning, both positive.  I called and scheduled an appointment with my doc for next Wednesday, 08/08 and in the interim, I am FREAKING!

I'm 25, my husband 24, and we've only been married for 9 months.  We also got engaged and married really fast.  We got married a few days before our 1 year dating anniversary.  I'm super scared to tell our families and friends because I feel like we've done everything SO fast!  We are also closing on our first house this week and it's just a LOT.  We both have good jobs, he's about to graduate college (probably around the time the baby will be here), and I feel like we're pretty reasonable, mature adults.  It's just so scary!

Any advice?  This is all so new and I feel like we're really not ready.

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