1st Trimester

Unexpectedly expectting -- oh my gosh!

Well - what a surprise this was. I'd like to give a little intro to myself and describe my situation.

 I am 26 years old, my boyfriend of a mere 9 months is 29 (he will be 30 in a couple of months). We have stable jobs, but are still going to school and trying to find stronger careers. We have lived together for 8 months, and our relationship is healthy and strong. He works nights, I work days, and we make every moment we have together worth it.  

I was married once before at 19 and separated at 23. Three of those years, I attempted to get pregnant, two of which with the assistance of a fertility doctor. I never got pregnant. So imagine my surprise, when believing I couldn't have children, that this miracle has occured.

To be quite honest, my first reaction was one of fear, and I immediately thought I would not keep the pregnancy. My boyfriend had the same first thought. Then, as it started to sink in and I adjusted to the idea of being a mom, my views changed. Yesterday, we verified I am 7 weeks pregnant (I know, very early yet) and we got to see the baby's heartbeat. My BF actually had a few moments of excitement instead of fear. 

My family and friends are elated. Yes, things are out of order. Yes, our relationship is still young. However, we are both very dedicated to one another. Unfortunately, his parents were not at all excited, supportive, or even understanding. I am heart broken. I wasn't exactly expecting excitement, but I wasn't expecting a completely negative reaction. His mother told me she wasn't ready to be a grandmother (she's in her mmid 50s) and since we told them, she talks to me with disgust in her voice.

 I'm at a loss. My BF is now on the fence as to if he wants to keep or terminate the pregnacy. I've made my decision, and I refuse to kill this miracle. I'm prepared to do this on my own. 

 I'm hoping that someone here has had a similar situation, or can offer some advice or comfort as to how to cope with all this negativity. I'm trying to focus on the positives. My BF, a baby born at a mere 22 weeks, is now expecting his own baby. He's been fantastic with me, so supportive and kind. I just don't know how to help him be OK with a decision to parent when his parents are so obviously against it. 

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