1st Trimester

low slow rising HCG and low progesterone

I am hoping to find some hope here or similar stories...

A little history in 2010 I had sort of the same issue. It was our second year of fertility treatments since finding out I have PCOS. We finally concieved our first pregnancy through shots and IUI. my numbers did double then almost doubled then barely went up. they were below 300 though. I had an u/s and they saw (what I know now to be a fibroid) but told me they thought it was a molar pregnancy and had me scared enough to do a DnC even though before going into surgery I asked about my hcg and it had doubled again. 6 months after the loss I went back to RE to pursue IVF and they showed the same "mass" (fibroid) on an u/s. Needless to say i felt bullied into terminating a possible healthy pregnancy.

Then I got pregnant on progesterone supps through IVF lost a twin and had premature rupture and labor at 30 wk held out on hospital bed rest til 32 wk and had my beautiful son Jack 2 months preemie.

I have had two random periods in his 8 months of life. I cant tell you when my lmp was.  on July 19 and 20 woke up dizzy ( I felt this way when implanting with my son) so I POAS and faintest of positives came up... got + sat and sun and Monday got HCG drawn 83, 48 hr later 103, 48 later 114 (prog 3.0 so I started prometrium 200mg), and now 72 later 119 and prog 8.5. The midwives are saying they see it going more towards a mc or eptopic and to watch for signs of either... I feel though like this is my miracle natural pregnancy baby and I don't think in general my body produces high doubling HCG... Trying to hold on to hope yet watching for signs and being realistic too...


Does anyone have a similar story?? Outcome?

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