Single Parents

Dealing with the Ex

I don't understand the SD. He blames me still for everything that is wrong in his pathetic life and yet gets upset when I don't want to talk to him.

I moved to Texas in March and stopped talking to him in April after some things were said/done that I think were inappropiate. He would email me once a month saying "hey how's it going?" Not once has he ever asked specifically how is the baby doing or anything. The 2 times I figured I would at least give him the opportunity to find out, he basically is blaming me for him not getting to see "the child". 

So I get an email from him stating that I have no valid reasons to not talk to him (other than the fact he attempted suicide [complete with note and intent] when I was 10 weeks pregnant and then threatened suicide again in May) and that how can I call myself a mother and treat the father of my child this way. In the same paragraph, he turns around and states that he needs a paternity test because he doubts the child is his because of how I am treating him. Then goes on to state how great of a new job he has and how much he makes, where he works and even how much of comission he makes. Then he has started a savings account for his daughter in which he is going to invest $1500 a year for her to have when she is 18. And so on. 

I filed for Paternity with the Texas Attorney General and have begun the process for child support. SD refused to give me an address to contact him with but the AG was able to find him based on the info he gave me about where he is working. 

I didn't want to do this. I just wanted to go on and not have to deal with all his crazy. I know that if he pays child support, he gets visitations. But is it possible for him to be required to have a psych eval before getting visitations? He lives out of state so I know that he will not be seeing her that often but the idea of him around her makes me really nervous and anxious. 

26 yr old single mama to Violet Jane, Worker Drone to the Man and perpetual student. Image and video hosting by TinyPic9/7/2012
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