1st Trimester

Newly Pregnant & Wedding in Less than 2 Months

Hi all!

   I'm looking for some advice here.  My fiance and I are scheduled to get married on September 15th (only about a month and 15 days away), and we also just learned this past Saturday that I am pregnant!  Although unexpected, we are both ELATED and so excited!!  We were planning on TTC after the wedding, but both of us were nervous about our chances (infertility runs in my family), so while the news certainly wasn't planned, we couldn't be happier :)


  My question is, that before I found out I was pregnant (I'm officially 5 weeks and one day as of today), I was actually trying to lose weight and tone up.  Do you think that by the time of the wedding I will start to show?  Clearly I'm not going to try to lose weight anymore, but will running & doing mild weight lifting to stay fit & tone hurt the baby? Is there anything I can do about the bloating I am experiencing?  Also, my hormones have made me breakout like I'm a teenager again, I've read that a lot of acne treatments can actually be dangerous so do any of you ladies know of a safe, tried & true product that might work?


  Congratulations to all of you other Mom's To Be & thank you in advance for your advice on how to still look my best on my wedding day!!! :)

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