Pregnant after IF

Headaches at this stage of the game?

Morning ladies, I am 35 weeks and have been experiencing some pretty nasty headaches since Saturday night. It went away on Sunday morning, but was back by 3 pm Sunday and continued through the night. I woke up this morning with it again. I have taken 2 Tylenol for it, but that has not helped at all. 

I did not get a chance to update PAIF, but I was admitted to L & D last Wednesday after my weekly appt with the OB due to having some contractions. I had to get IV fluids, as well as 2 shots to stop the labor. Turned out I have a bladder infection, which I was prescribed antibiotics for, and I was anemic.

 My blood pressure has been fine the entire pregnancy, but I have a call in to my OB's nurse just letting them know about my headaches, since the headaches are in the front of my head and from what i have read, means it could be BP-related. My question to PAIF is, has anyone else experienced  headaches like this and it NOT been BP related? I just really don't want to end up back in L & D again so soon.

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