1st Trimester

Nauseated all day

I will be seven weeks tomorrow and I have been experiencing pretty much all day nausea for almost a week.  It is making life pretty miserable simply because I feel like I am useless.  I am on my fifth day off of work and I have been able to accompish pretty much nothing because I spend so much of my time laying around.  I go back to work tomorrow for a two day stretch (I work 12.5 hour night shifts) and a I am dreading it because I already feel so sick.  Even some of my favorite activities (like reading) just make me more sick.  I rarely vomit and, despite a decrease in appetitie, I haven't lost weight.  So I am not ready to request medication yet, but I may have to depending on how work goes over the next two nights. 

I was nauseated early in my first pregnancy, but not like this.  When I was pregnant with my son, it came and went really quickly, so the nausea was easy to deal with.  Oh I hope this ends soon!  Anyone else have almost constant nausea?  How are you dealing?

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