1st Trimester

Spotting at 9-10 weeks

When I woke up on Friday morning I noticed I was spotting. Scared the living crap out of me. Last time I had this, I lost the baby. So, I got up and called the doctor right away and went in for another ultrasound. There was a heartbeat at 173 beats per minute, but they notice and pocket of blood between the amniotic sac and my uterine wall. They said that it was normal and about 70% of women have this. I don't remember what they called it. Then the spotting went away, and came back and has been that way ever since. I know it is "normal", but it still scares me so much. This is our 5th pregnancy and this is the longest one to last. They say "everything will be fine, don't worry", but how can you not. I feel like putting myself on bed rest and not moving for a while, but really what good will that do besides give me a back and neck ache. Anyone else ever have this experience, how did you handle it, and do you have any advice. I try not to worry, but just cant help it! 

 Happy baby growing to everyone out there! <3:)



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