Babies on the Brain

Feeling broody!

Hi - I am new here (just joined today) and I definitely do have "babies on the brain"

A little background - I'm 26, husband is 31. We have been together two years (from first date to now), and have lived together for one year, and have been married for two months.

I'm the first of my friends to marry, none of my friends have a child, and my mother has warned against having children too soon - so I'm pretty sure no external force is making me feel baby-crazy. My husband says the decision of when to have a child is entirely up to me because he is ready now. We are financially stable and I could stay home if I wanted/needed to... I just can't figure out if I'm ACTUALLY ready. I know there's no rush really. I just feel such a strong urge to have a baby - but then I start thinking that I want more time with just my husband, want to stay out late sometimes, travel... and I feel like being pregnant would be no fun! When I'm ready will these thoughts go away? Or does everyone feel this way? Are my hesitations a sign that I'm not ready? 

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