1st Trimester

Official (re) intro

Hi gals. I've been posting again since getting a BFP last week, but not officially introduced myself. I have a 2 y/o son and DH and I are thrilled to be expecting again. My last pregnancy went pretty well, d/s did have an echogenic focus(white spot) on heart, so that gave us a little scare but all turned out fine. I labored with d/s for about 16 hrs before he was born at 9 pm on cinco de mayo :)

DS was fairly small (he was size of 36 weeks at birth, but he was 5 days passed his due date. I had a very small placenta, so i think that attributed to his being SGA. This time around I will make sure the Dr. carefully monitors.

I've missed "bumping" as DH calls it, but I really enjoyed having the bump to chat with other moms to be last time around, and looking forward to it again :)

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