1st Trimester

Question for PCOSers

Hi ladies!  For any of you who have PCOS and are on metformin for the first tri, are you following any specific diet?  The reason I ask is, I was on South Beach Diet and metformin for about a month when I got pregnant.  It was the first time I had actually ovulated since going off my BCP.  My RE had explained to me (before I got pregnant) that metformin helps regulate sugar sensitivity, thus helping to regulate male hormones in women with PCOS.  Of course her explanation was muh more detailed, but that was the general idea.  Anyway, she then went on to explain that she wanted me to continue the met until I was 12 weeks gestation to help regulate the male hormone and decrease risk of miscarriage.  So, I sorta took this to mean that I should still watch my sugars and carbs for the same principle as taking the met.  I am having strong aversions to salads and proteins, though.  Just wanted to see if you all thought it would be safe to eat more carbs and sugars or if I should still limit them.  I hope this made sense, I feel I was kind of rambling!  Thanks so much for your input!
TTC #1 10/2011 || Diagnosed PCOS 5/2012 || SA - Normal! || HSG - Clear!
Starting Metformin 5/2012
BFP 6/25/2012!! EDD 3/7/2013!! IT'S A BOY!!
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