
Hospital bed rest till baby comes...

So Thursday I went in for my routine OB appointment and was checked into the hospital for further testing. I had plus 2 protein in my urine. I stayed the night to do a 24 hour urine test and was diagnosed with pre eclampsia Friday night. My protein level is very high and the 24 hour test confirmed that with over 1500 (whatever the measurement is) of protein. My uric acid was also very high. So here I am on hospital bed rest till our baby comes. I am such an emotional stress ball. It's not the ideal situation but I'm dealing. She's still breech so the doctor told me a c section will be my likely form of delivery. My doctor also said if I can make it to 36 weeks (I'll be 35 on Monday) she will feel comfortable taking the baby then. Baby is doing great! Her fluids are great and she's getting big and kicks a lot!! I'm a ticking time bomb (or so my doctor says) and that if my levels or the baby has any major changes then we will deliver right away. It is so scary and nerve racking to sit here and let my mind wander. I worry about having a c section and something going wrong. I worry about the baby. Ahhhh!!!Any other first time moms out there going through anything similar? Anyone have this happen before? I am so worried about the baby being pulled from her little home too soon and having lung development issues or worse. I am hoping I can hold out till 36 weeks!It has been an emotional roller coaster the past couple days. But here is to staying positive and having a healthy baby girl :)  
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