Pregnant after IF

PSA: take your SO to every class, even breast feeding

I asked my H to take a 10 week hypnobirthing class to prep for natural child birth and he willingly did it. I know it wasn't his favorite thing to sit through the videos and listen to our rather left of center instructor, but he was a trooper.

He did however give me a bit of a side eye when I asked him to come to today's 2 hour breast feeding class taught by a LLL leader.

Now, we are both SO glad he came. I think before today he thought that you fed the baby and then had 3 hours to do whatever you want until you fed her again. Now, he understands that it's an all consuming occupation. For a few weeks, especially for a FTM it is really challenging. It feels like we are in this together even more now and I'm so grateful it worked out this way. 

It's crazy that sometime in the next month we will have our own little girl. If you'd told me that a year ago I would have probably cried in disbelief. So blessed.

After a loss and 4 IUIs, a surprise BFP while on rest cycle due to cysts and "supercharged ovaries" brought us baby M.
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