1st Trimester

NBR: Vent about DH

We are moving this week & I have been nagging him to call to get the gas turned on for over 2 weeks.....  Well, he didn't bother to make the call (meanwhile I did EVERYTHING ELSE!) but kept saying he wanted to do it because he wanted it in HIS name (otherwise the other utilities are all in my name.)  Fine. I get it.

Well I just called and they said they will call me on Monday or Tuesday to set up an appointment to turn the gas on.  We are moving in on Tuedsay.... how the heck am I gonna clean, shower or even wash dishes with no gas (NO HOT WATER!!!)  I'm so furious with him right now!!  

And his answer is going to be "Well I worked all week..... "  GRRRRR!!!!   

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