
2 week post partum question..

Anyone else noticing that they are very COLD?  I'm not sure if this is associated with the c-section, or just having given birth in general, or from nursing, or if it has something to do with the fact that my iron has been very low (but, they started me on prescription iron tablets and have been taking them 2x daily..).. but, several times a day I break out in uncontrollable chills.. I end up putting on a sweatshirt and laying underneath my down comforter to try and get warm.. I should mention, it's been 90+ degrees here, too!! Granted, I have the air on, but we keep the house around 76-77, so definitely not chilly enough to be causing me to break out in these freezing cold spells!!

I don't think I'm running a fever -- I've had DH feel my head and he says I feel fine.. I know, not the most medically accurate method :-P  Also, I usually end up soaked in sweat, too.. despite shivering and feeling so cold.. like, for instance.. I laid back down at 7am.. put on a hoodie sweatshirt over top my nursing tank, and curled under the down comforter.. shivered for a good 20 minutes.. fell asleep.. woke up at 8, my nursing tank is soaked in sweat.. but, I still feel cold..

Is this just hormonal?  Something I should call the doc about?  Anyone else experiencing it??  Thanks!!

Loss #1: 18w5d.. D&E 04Mar03 BFP #2: Jun2011.. missed miscarriage. D&C 08Jul2011 8w4d. BFP #3: Nov2011.. Our Rainbow Baby!!! DS Born: 15Jul2012! BFP #4: Nov2012.. 2 under 1 here we go!! Stick, baby, stick!! Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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