1st Trimester

Ob Update/ Youtube Vlog/ Bladder Infection

I had my first appointment today, and the doctor did blood work, a urine test, and they had me feel out a ton of paperwork. I am currently 5 weeks and 2 days, and my due date is officially March 27th, 2013. 

I get to go back on August 15th and do my first ultrasound. I will be 8 weeks. They wanted to schedule me sooner but I will be out of town, so it will have to wait!

 Also, some of you wanted me to post the link for my youtube vlogs that i do, once i updated it for my 5 week video. Feel free to watch it if you want, but absolutely not necessary!

After my OB appointment today my back started hurting really bad and I started getting  a sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. I had felt this pain before and thought nothing of it this time since im pregnant and chalked it up to pregnancy symptoms, but I just got home from urgent care to get it checked out. Apparently, I have a bladder infection, i am extremely dehydrated, and they found small amounts of red blood cells in my urine. My back ache is from my kidney's being deprived of liquid. Didn't even know i wasn't drinking enough! 

Finally got medicine, and hope it starts to feel better soon!

Link is below:


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