Pregnant after IF

1st tri screening

Today I had my 1st trimester screening & I was a bit disappointed at how it went. The Perinatologist was not friendly at all & was very short with us. She whisked in the room & did the ultrasound in less than 2 minutes. I didn't see her do a nuchal translucency measurement or let us know if the nasal bone was present or not. All she showed us was the head, face, arms, legs & said "everything looks good here. Let's see you back in 8 weeks".

We also opted to do the MaterniT21 blood draw so I wonder if because this test is so accurate, maybe that is why she didn't bother messing with any measurments?? Regardless, I was disappointed with how it all went....even though she said all looked good.

Anyone else have this screening done? What was your experience like? 

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~*~ Our IF Journey~*~
TTC for 5+ years
2/09 - TI = BFP * 3/09 - M/C with D&C * 8/09 - C/P
Jan - July '10 - Clomid/Follistim + IUI = all BFN
Aug - IVF #1 - 3 embies transferred = BFN
Mar - IVF #2 - 2 embies transferred & 4 frosties = BFN
June - FET #1 * 2 embies transferred = BFP (C/P @ 5w4d)
Sept - FET #2 * 2 embies transferred = BFP
Nov - M/C & D&C at 10 weeks
May - surprise BFP with no medical intervention
Sept - 20 week US showed we're having a BOY!
~*~ EDD: 2/4/13 ~*~

*My IF Blog*

Our Bulldogs - Bubba & Millie
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