1st Trimester

I am like the Hulk today...

Its like the second I got into the office today I turned into a hormonal induced version of the Hulk...

The drive to work was fine, no problem. But it seemed like as soon as I sat down at my desk I started getting really crabby with EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, and I am talking even the fax machine is feeling my wrath! (Which decided it wasn't going to send faxes today)

And to put a little extra Gamma rays to this giant green rage monster that I have become the woman that sits across from me at work is an ultra loud hummer, and she does it from the time that she gets in to the time that she leaves... she actually started singing outloud today... (We, meaning my entire team and others around her, have asked her to quiet down before, but to no avail). I don't want to say anything to her because if I start I am afraid that I won't be able to stop and I might say something that I will either regret or get in trouble for later....


Any tips on cooling down? Keeping calm? I need help being just regular mild mannered Bruce Banner...

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