Babies on the Brain

New Here and hoping to find some support & friends

I've never been good with forums. So, I hope that you'll forgive any faux pas on my part. I'm also new to the baby fever thing as well. 

I'm 33 and afraid that I am getting too old to try for a baby. So there are concerns for me on a physical and emotional level.

My hubby has a daughter from his previous marriage. We didn't want children when we first got together but, he always knew that it was something I would eventually want. Last year, the fever hit me and we had the conversation about allowing ourselves to try for a baby. We agreed to wait until the end of the year to allow him time to get used to the idea of being a father again and to allow me time to get more healthy (aka lose some weight).

So, I'm hoping that being here I can connect with other wanna be moms and share the journey to motherhood with others. So, aside from the bump, can anyone recommend other TTC websites especially those that deal with pregnancy when obese?

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