Pregnant after IF

I graduated today :)

I knew the day would be coming sooner than later but I really hate to think I won't be seeing my RE anymore.  This morning was our last appointment Sad.

On a happier note I was able to stop my prometrium over the weekend and I only have1 more week of my lovenox injections.  It's so hard to believe I will be 12 weeks on Sunday!! Smile

BabyFruit Ticker

06.10.12 +HPT 06.12.12 Beta #1 = 2,770 06.14.12 Beta #2 = 6,300
1st U/S 06.18.12 2nd U/S 06.25.12
09.24.12 It's a Boy!! ---> Jacob Owen

Our IF Journey Began: October 2009
**8 Failed IUI's, 1 Blighted Ovum, & 1 Failed IVF**
Dx: MFI, DOR w/MTHFR Homozygous A1298C & Hypothyroidism
03.2012 Lab Results: FSH 6.83 AMH 0.67 TSH 3.8 E2 17
SA 156 million 93% motility 3% morphology

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