1st Trimester

HCG dropping but strong hb at 7 weeks

Has anyone had their numbers go down and everthing be ok, especially after seeing the baby and a hb

I had another HCG draw yesterday and my numbers went DOWN but the ultrasound today there was a strong hb of 160

HCG numbers

June 29th 143.86

July 2nd 642.03

July 9th 6968.70

July 12th ultrasound gestational sac seen dated 5weeks 4 days

July 18th 21420.00

July 18th ultrasound done fetal pole and heart beat seen hb 120 dated me at 6 weeks 2 days

July 24th 16970.00

July 25th ultrasound fetal pole and heartbeat 160 bpm dated at 7 weeks 1 day

My numbers went down by 4450.00 I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, I just cant stop crying I have never heard of numbers going down and everything beeing ok....

Just back from the ultrasound..... They saw the baby and a hb of 160 bpm everything is measuring right on schedule. I have no Idea why the HCG numbers went down and I know that there is still a chance of a miscarriage. Just waiting to hear from the doctors office on what they want to do

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