1st Trimester

Digestion issues before BFP?

Did anyone have this issue? I'm 8dpo and I had a temp dip today (still above coverline-hoping it hops back tomorrow). Anyway, I've had a headache all day and lower back pain and then, after dinner, I was HURLED over with stomach cramps. Not AF cramps, like actual stomach problems. I'm usually pretty regular with bowel movements and I can't ever remember feeling this much pain. I had a bm but then it took a good 15 minutes for pain to subside. Is this just a PMS symptom that I've never had? Those seem to be showing up since I've been ttc. lol

 I tested after a 3 hour hold and of course BFN. I know it's early but ugh the pain.

 Thanks for any experiences-sorry if TMI!




Me (25) Dh (26)
TTC#1 since March 2012
*Dx High Prolactin Feb 2013*
*Currently on Cabergoline and waiting to see what happens...*
*Cystic ovaries as well*
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