1st Trimester

scared to death...

Hi everyone,

I am due Feb 15th, today I am going in for an ultrasound per the Dr. Two nights ago my husband and I had sex and there was a brownish dicharge after. Never did I have that my first pregnancy. (I know all pregnancies are different) So I called the next morning, they advised to take it easy, no lifting, no sex that night. I followed all of those, and STILL had the brownish discharge that night, and it has gone on today too. I know a lot of times its normal, they say, I am SO scared.

Last night I think I got myself worked up so much I got a head ache, felt pain in my back and neck, I got more worried. Especially since I read a few atricles on what it could be. So once I felt those things I started to panic, didn't sleep well.

 I am nervous what will come of the appointment. thank you for listening.

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