Pregnant after IF

Prenatal advice!!!

Ladies please tell me what kind of prenatal you take.....last time I was pregnant I got a prescription for prenatal plus and had duet dha that was an extra pill..they discontinued the duet dha so now I'm looking for another perscription so it will be cheaper every month thm buying over the counter......right now I take OTC prenatal dha which is fine.....but I'd like to go through insurance  if I can find something....

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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