Pregnant after IF

Intro but cautious.....

Hi ladies! I may be jumping the gun by coming over to PIAF board already, but I'm hoping for the best....I did an ivf cycle in May and tested positive 7dp5dt..Sadly a few hours later I started bleeding and lost the embryo. I didnt make it to BETA and was crushed. I had 17 eggs retrieved but immediately felt pain and pressure. I got OHSS and was on bed rest till transfer. I transferred 1 perfect 5 day blastocyst but I had a ton of cysts the day of transfer and felt awful..looked 6 months pregnant that took 10 days to go down. I had 2 embryos make it to freeze. My RE only freezes embryos that make it to day 5. I had a frozen transfer last Monday and we transferred 1 blastocyst and 1 early blastocyst. I tested 4dp5dfet and got a faint positive. I couldn't believe I got a positive that early...I was just testing because I'm crazy when it come to didn't get to excited because I got a ain't positive last time and lost it....this time it has gotten darker and darker each is 8dpt and it's dark?? My BETA is Thursday and I'm hopeful....I kinda think noth took because of the early Positive and I'm already having symptoms, which I believe is nuts.....I'm very bloated, but my boobs are sooo full, I had to go up a cup size Today because my bRas underwire gave my a ton of little hickeys from being to smoothed in there..I'm getting waves of nausea nd I'm tired and thirsty...Im hope to be sticking around and look forward to meeting all of you and hearing all your stories....This is my second child. I got pregnant on my 8th Inuit  with my son. Thanks for reading my intro! 
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers After years of struggling with infertility issues (PCOS since I was 16) and 15 medicated cycles we finally got blessed with our son. We got lucky with our 7th IUI using stims...Now we are back on the roller coaster to try for another miracle..IVF cycle in May resulted in a chemical pregnancy. 2 snowbabies FET 7/16-transferred 2 blastocyst...Faint bfp 4dp5dt! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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