1st Trimester

Dr. Appt Update!

Went for our appointment today and finally got the ultrasound we were waiting for. It was so adorable. My little nugget was kicking and moving around, and we got to see it all. Such a wonderful thing. We couldn't get the heartbeat, but we saw it on the sono. 

In other news. Doctor said we are going to be doing the cerclage in about 2 weeks, and then it is bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy. :( Also at 16 weeks he wants to do progesterone shots once a week. So the few times I do get to get out of the house it is to get a shot. I am really happy all this is for a really fantastic end result cause this is going to get rough. 

On another note, majority of things are looking good. Levels are good, no infections, baby is looking healthy. LO is measuring a little small. By date I am supposed to be 10 weeks 3-4 days, and we are measuring 9 weeks 6 days. So almost a week behind what we were planning, but that is common. With my DD she measured small the whole pregnancy and they changed my due date 3 times. The one thing I am a little worried about is I seem to only be losing weight. Not going to lie I started out on the heavier side, but I have lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks. This happened with DD to. I lost 22 lbs with here and I weighed less before that pregnancy too. So just a little worried about that and the bedrest, but other than that a great visit. A lot of questions answered, everyone is looking health,  and a plan has been made. It eases the mind a little.  

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