
Surprised by Post C-section pain in shoulder/neck.

After my C-section I got a really sore shoulder and neck.  They told me that since they opened me up for the RCS, I had gotten air into my abdominal cavity and it travels upward to find a place to release.  So basically I had air/gas trapped in my body, not in my digestive system and it had no way out.  It was like that for about 2 days until it broke apart.  Just wanted to share because it took me completely off guard.

I also came down with Bells Palsy, this is pretty rare, but PP women have a greater chance of  developing it.  From what I have read on the internet it seems to be more common in the women who have this neck shoulder pain.  Not sure if that is legitimate or not.  And I don't think the Bells Palsy is in anyway related to the c-section.  Seems like it is similar to the nerve issues that cause pregnancy induced carpel Tunnel. 

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