1st Trimester

Cleaning freak?

I'm only 4 weeks pregnant but a few days ago my sense of smell became super sensitive (which is usually non existent due to allergies). This morning when I woke up, all I could smell was like... moldy food/mildew smell. I ran downstairs and could not tell where it was coming from so I went crazy and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom/shower to the point where every surface was scrubbed and/or mopped. Now all I smell is lovely cleaning products. Usually I'm good about cleaning but I wouldn't call myself anal. Also, I work so much that a lot of times it takes a while for things to get done unless my hubby surprises me. Now it's like I find something new to clean every day to get rid of some funky smell that is turning my stomach.

Is anyone else having this problem??? I guess it's actually kind of a good thing because now my house is nice and clean. Yesterday I even shampooed and scrubbed all the carpets because I thought they all smelled like litter.

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