1st Trimester

Intro <3

Hey all, 

I'm new on the BUMP.  I gotta say I love it so far!  It's great to know other ladies are experiencing some of the same things.

 Last day of my AF was 5/20/12..I think, I hadn't been doing all the  various things to keep track.  Even though my husband and I had been trying for about a year.  

My first appointment was on 7/18..with my guess of last AF date they gave me an EDD of 2-25-13.  Making me 8 weeks at my appt. Midwife said everything looked good and on track..I guess she would have been able to tell then if I wasn't that far?  

US is scheduled for 8/1 and I really hope I'm on track and as far along as I am thought to be right now!

 Happy pregnancies and Happy posting

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