1st Trimester

BFP! But concerned.

Hello again everyone :)

 We just got our BFP last night! Which is GREAT. Except for I'm not supposed to get pregnant right now. I'm on low doses of Methorexate every week, which is a category x drug, and linked to birth defects. My husband and I are so confused. We had a miscarriage right before I started taking Methotrexate, and were heart broken. We're now so ready to have this child, but are afraid of the risks we're taking and what it could mean for our child's life.

 I went in for an Ultrasound today, and I should be about 5 weeks (last period started on 6/15/12). The Dr. wasn't able to see a gestational sac, and while we're checking my hCG levels, I'm pretty worried. I think at five weeks we should be able to see the gestational sac, if not the fetus yet.  

 We are trying to hope for the best, that this baby will be able to grow into a healthy child, but it's really difficult to celebrate when so much is up in the air. 

 Does anyone have any experiences with high-risk pregnancies/ slow fetal development? Or any advice at all about this stage of pregnancy?


Thank you!  


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