Pregnant after IF

DH wants to go public

So DH just wants to tell the world about the pregnancy. We've told our parents and a couple of close friends, but he keeps asking about "going public." This involves Facebook. He says we have been waiting so long for this that we deserve to tell everyone and celebrate. Of course I'm more cautious and would really like to wait to make sure everything is moving along and okay. He understands this, but is still really frustrated with keeping quiet. Any compromise ideas? Is the heartbeat a safe enough time?

~ Married: December 2005 ~ Started TTC: December 2008 ~ Diagnosis: severe MFI, late ovulation, short LP ~ IVF/ICIS in June 2012 (long lupron protocol). Stims: 6/17/12, ER: 6/30/12 (6R, 5M, 4F), ET: 7/5/12 (1 4AA embryo transferred, 0 made it to freeze)
Beta#1: 7/14/12 - 55, Beta#2: 7/16/12 - 100, Beta#3: 7/18/12 - 199
Limbo for weeks, finally confirmed pregnancy not viable: 8/13/12 ~ D&C: 8/17/12
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