1st Trimester

Anyone else work nights?

I have to work tonight and I am just dreading going in.  Problem is that I always dread going into work anymore.  I recently became a night shifter and then found out I am pregnant, which I have decided is not a good combination.  I work 12.5 hour night shifts that can be physically demanding at times (pushing, pulling, lifting, and being on my feet a lot) and I just feel horrible ever since I started doing them.  I don't know if it is night shifts alone, being pregnant, or a combination of the both (probably the latter).  I just started on my unit three months ago, but I am really thinking about leaving and going to do homecare.  Five days a week, working eight hour days, and I have been told that it is not nearly as physically challenging as being a hospital nurse (It is just challenging in other ways).  I don't know, I just really think that I need to get off of these nights shifts and I think it is time to find something that is not 12.5 hour shifts.  I really do not like the thought of interviewing for a new job while newly pregant though.  I feel like I would be walking into a new job hiding something from those that hire me.

Does anyone else work nights?  If so, how is it going for you? 

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