Pregnant after IF

Mini-babymoon #2!

We just go the itinerary for DH's company's Christmas in July trip this weekend and it is awesome!   We are staying at a VERY nice hotel on the water in Boston and taking some cruises during the day on the owner's boat and then we have a cocktail reception on the boat at night followed by a very nice dinner after.   Everything including parking and breakfast the next morning is included.   I hope my cotton pregnancy dress is dressy enough, but I can' fit in anything else!   I guess I will just throw on a pair of heels and hope for the best.
TTC since Jan. 2010 DX Unexplained infertility
3 IUI's w/Clomid & Ovidrel=all BFNs
3 IVF (2 Fresh, 1 frozen) =BFN
Love, Marriage, and Baby Carriage!
Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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