Pregnant after IF

Taking the leap - intro

Good morning!

I'm in a weird state of limbo right now, but feel like PAIF is the right place to be. 

DH and I started TTC in 2008, but I had ovulation issues due to Depo Provera.  In March 2009, 3 wks before our wedding, DH was dx with Testicular Cancer. He did 4 rounds of chemo and was told there were more tumors, so he had RPLND surgery in September 2009 to remove all lymph nodes and tumors in his abdomen.  This caused nerve damage and retrograde ejaculation.  We knew IVF would be our only option.  Due to chemo therapy stopping sperm production, it wasn't until January 2012 that sperm were found.  After 3 S/As, sperm counts remained low and all non-motile so we decided to try a biopsy the day of ER.  Our first IVF in May was cancelled due to a large lead follie.  IVF 1.2 in June/July is so far a success. 

 I had two betas last week and the clinic said I was officially "kicked out of the program" and was a "normal" pregnant lady.  I don't feel normal.  I feel like I'm in limbo.  My clinic offered an u/s at 7wks, but because I'd have to pay OOP, I decided to schedule it with an OB.  That appt isn't until 8/10, so here I am, waiting...

I know that a lot can still go wrong, so we're remaining cautiously optimistic.  I don't think this pregnancy will feel real until after the u/s, but I think being on this board will help. 

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