Pregnant after IF

Bleeding - u/s at 11:15 ***UPDATE***

About 9:30pm last night, I sat down to eat a little something and felt something kind of gush. I bled bright red for a few hours, and there were some clots. I also have a faint crampy feeling. The bleeding is now pretty scant, but dark. Going into the RE's at 11:15. Although I have all the hope in the world, I have a strong feeling that this will not be ending well.

I just hope that I can somehow find some peace with this. Three and a half years. Two pregnancies. And not a thing to show for it. Just not sure how much one person can take.



My precious little pickle is still there. Heart is still beating. And is growing right on track, measuring even a smidge ahead.

RE thinks that it's likely placental attachment breaking a blood vessel. There's no reason to believe that I am at any higher risk to m/c. Bleeding has eased to only light tan spotting. Dodged a bullet again.

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Lilypie Maternity tickers
James Robert ("JR") Due 3/15/2013! Our Miracle!
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