Seattle Babies

Emmy's Birth Story

Hey there. I never really posted here routinely but wanted to share my birth story. Emilia (Emmy) Shaw was due on July 20th but arrived on July 6th after my diagnosis of pre-eclampsia necessitated an induction. I was really upset about this turn of events because I had planned to go natural, labor at home for as long as possible, etc. My OB was very supportive of my natural birth plan, and was amazingly supportive during the whole process given the change of plans.

 On July 3rd I went in for a routine check up and when my BP was uber high, my OB asked me to come in on the 4th in the morning for additional tests. The clinic wasn't even open but he came in just to see me. He spent at least 45 minutes talking to me and DH while I was taking the non-stress test about what the induction was going to look like, the challenges, addressed my fears, etc. While I was most afraid of the pitocin, he informed me about magnesium and how that would be my biggest challenge. Magnesium is given via IV throughout labor for women who have pre-eclampsia to combat the risk of seizure. It is also a muscle relaxer, which counteracts the pitocin to a degree and also restricts movements during labor. This really terrified me. No hot shower, no walking around during labor, no squat bar...none of the comfort measures that me, DH and my doula planned to use. But, I had no choice, it had to be done.

So I was admitted on July 4th in the evening and I had a folley catheter put in. My cervix was already at 1 cm and the catheter got me to 4cms overnight. It was unpleasant though. I threw up when he was putting it in. It was kind of a traumatic way to start my labor! I didn't sleep much over night due to the intense and unrelenting cramping from the catheter. I also had to have monitors strapped to me and and IV hooked up and that just made sleeping really impossible.

Very early on the 5th, they started the pitocin and magnesium and broke my water. Magnesium burns when they put it in. It felt like my whole right arm was on fire. That stuff is AWFUL!!! Eventually they turned down the amount though and I was able to move around enough to get on a birthing ball and lean against the side of the bed. My doula and husband were amazing. They were sneaking me honey sticks and helped me get through 12 hours of active labor without pain medication and it seemed like I was going to make it to the end without an epidural. Around hour 12 I started throwing up and shaking because the contractions were so intense and I thought for sure I was in transition! I asked to be checked and although I had a lot of other cervical change, I had only dilated 1 cm in 12 hours. I was so so tired and knew I couldn't go much longer and still have the energy to push so I got an epidural around 11pm on the 5th. It was a great decision for me! DH, however, was really traumatized by that experience because the epidural caused my BP to crash which was causing Emmy's BP to crash and everyone was standing around watching the monitors to see what would happen but nobody said anything to DH so he thought I was dying! He's kind of a worst-case-scenario guy :)

The anesthesiologist did a great job. I felt everything and could move my butt and legs on my own but it just took the edge off. Around 6am on the 6th I started feeling her come down into my pelvis and I had the epi turned down so I could feel the pushing sensations. My OB had been off-duty over night and I was worried that I'd have her without him but sure enough, he came back just in time to deliver! I pushed for 2 hours, had minimal tearing, and out she came! It was amazing. It was so amazing, in fact, that all that other bad stuff that happened didn't even matter. Having a vaginal delivery was what I really wanted in the end. Through everything, my OB never even mentioned a c-section and was so supportive. I'm actually sad to be ending our 9 month relationship!

I have to say that, although my husband did a really great job, I don't know what would have happened without my doula. She got me through so much. If you're on the fence about using a doula, I suggest you interview a few just to see if it might be a good choice for you. 

 So anyway, long story but in the end I had a perfect, healthy baby by vaginal delivery so it was a success to me! My recovery has been really fast. I feel pretty much back to normal 2 weeks later. Also, I've lost 35 pounds! I'm 7 pounds less now than I was when I got pregnant. Just goes to show all the water I was retaining due to the pre-eclampsia. 

One husband, two cats, one dog, and now a brand new baby! Life is about to get really exciting.
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