1st Trimester

worried that there hasn't been any MS

I'm hoping someone can offer some advice on a concern I have.  Last week, I took a HPT and it showed a positive.  I took five more with the same wonderful results and even visited my primary doctor this past Wednesday to get it confirmed using their urine test (OB/GYN won't see me until I've been pregnant 6 weeks).

My hubby and I are ecstatic but I'm trying to be cautious because I don't know how it will go.  One detail that's been consuming me is that I haven't experienced any MS at all so far.  I know we are still very early in our pregnancy but everywhere I read that MS is one of the most common symptoms and I haven't had it yet. 

 Don't get me wrong, I'm not wishing I was throwing up every day.  But, I'm worried that since I haven't had any MS,  it might be a sign that something's wrong. Do I have reason to worry or am I overthinking this?

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