1st Trimester

Bat sh!t crazy....

Hello Ladies!

I am 6 weeks pregnant and I swear to you since I tested + that I have been going futher and further into the realm of certifiably crazy.  The last few nights I've started crying over nothing and can't flipping stop for anything, then today I almost had a freak out on my boss because I felt he was micro-managing me and not trusting what I say.  Typically I would be all 'F him, he is an idiot', but today it was all I could do to not scream at him to get off my ass and just walk out of work to crawl into my cozy bed. 

I feel like my hormones are totally out of control and turning me into the nutty lady who's hair is all over the place from being almost torn out - and I'm only 6 weeks along.  Granted, some of this craziness may be me just getting used to the whole pregnant thing - cause woah, I'm really pregnant - but someone please tell me I am not alone in my craziness, this is going to be a really long 8 months for my hubby! 

I look forward to getting to know you girls! 

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