1st Trimester

Either I'm constipated or RUNNING!

Hey Ladies, 

So i started off being so constipated and now I'm RUNNING to the bathroom i feel like everything is going right through me literally! It also doesn't help that my MS is really bad so i feel like i have a bad case of food poisoning.

Has anyone had this problem? if so what did you do for it did you stay away from certain foods?



TTC since July 09 BFP October 10, 09 baby girl was due June 26 2010... D&C due to Anacephaly Dec 15 2009 TTC since January 2010 BFP July 7 2010 Due March 17 2011 Delivered Healthy Baby Boy via C-Section Feb 25 2011 BFP June 19 2012 Due FEB 25 2013 BabyFruit Ticker
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