Dads & Dads-to-be

iPhone vs Samsung Galaxy

Hi! My wife pointed me in the direction of this board when I told her I wanted some more opinions on this matter, so I'm using her account. This really does't have anything to do with parenting obviously.

Anyway, I am finally considering coming out of the dark ages and upgrading to a cell phone that is modern. I have a plan and provider chosen but need help on the phone

Basically, I am looking for a phone that has good apps available for download, both work related and for amusement. I will want to be able to access Microsoft word and excel documents. My data usage will probably be modest, limited to web browsing, e-mail and maybe a bit of app downloading.

WhileI would like to be able to take good quality video and pics with my phone, I will not be streaming a lot of video/audio content, if any at all over the phone. If possible, an SD or micro SD slot would be appreciated. I think the Galaxy phones come with this.


1. - Your thoughts on the latest iPhone vs the Samsung Galaxy S3. I am kind of leaning towards the Galaxy. Your thoughts.

2. If I were to purchase the Galaxy, would it be worth getting the S3 or is the S2 sufficient? I would spend the extra money if it were worth my while in improvements, but I'd rather be as frugal as possible.

Any thoughts from anyone would be appreciated

Nevermind me, I'm too distracted by my mini-carrots to think properly image
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