1st Trimester

Progesterone at 10.9

Hi Ladies,

 Just got off the phone with my OB Nurse.  After a spotting scare this week I called the OB/GYN who wanted me to stop by to have blood drawn. 

 My beta HCG was at a high enough level for them to feel OK but my Progesterone level is at 10.9!!!  They said that anything below 10 they would be worried about, so they aren't necessarily too worried about me.  BUT they said that around 6 weeks they would like to see my progesterone a little higher - like around 13. 

Does anyone have a similar experience with their progesterone?  I'm just looking for some encouragement so I can think positively about this whole thing.

Mother to 3 angels: D&C May 2006 - My cherry blossom child. TTC since March 2012. BFP March 2012; CP March 2012 - 4 weeks 1 day. BFP July 8, 2012; No HB August 6, 2012 - 8 weeks 2 days. M/C August 21, 2012. Cremated in our backyard 5 days later. Starting charting 10/29/12. Stalk me at My Ovulation Chart
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