1st Trimester


Hello everyone! My name is Nicole. I'm 29 and so is DH. I'm an RN and just started in January for my Masters. I had a CP in December 2010 and we were actively TTGP in 2011 with no success; since this year we haven't been actively TTGP and were just seeing what happens!

As far as what made me test, Monday at work my breasts were tender, not common for me as a PMS symptom and one of my coworkers said maybe you should take a test, I did and it was negative. I also had gum bleeding when I was brushing my teeth and I've been so thirsty!! I also woke up Sunday with horrible, horrible nasal congestion!!! I've never been so congested in my life! Wednesday I was talking to my sister about some of my symptoms and she said she had some of them too so she said wait a few days and take a test.

Well, I took a dollar store test yesterday morning and I got a very faint line!! I showed my husband and he was a little shocked and said "Well, we'll see what happens next week". I bought a Clear Blue digital test yesterday at the store and tested this AM and Pregnant popped right up!! My husband is working until 12 today so I'll show him the test then. We talked about it last night but he's hesitant to believe it until he actually sees the words "Pregnant".  I'm very glad to be going you ladies!!!!  

Big Smile 

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