1st Trimester

First OBGYN Appt. and Due Date?

I scheduled my first obgyn appt. today, and I have so many questions. I was hoping some of you might know better than me, since I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. 

My last menstrual cycle started on June 20th. I ovulated July 8th. So when is the due date? I don't understand how the due date and ovulation date change the due date.

Also, what do they do at the first OBGYN appt? If i go by the first day of my last period I am 4 weeks and 1 day, and my appt. is next Friday the 27th. I will be 5 weeks and 2 days? This is just a little confusing to me. I have seen a lot of posters say that their doctor doesnt schedule until at least week 8, I am excited I already get to go next week, but what will they be looking for? Is there already a heartbeat?

I still have so much to learn!

Did anyone else feel the need to have to test everyday in the beginning just to confirm that your still pregnant! lol I feel like I need to test everyday, because I don't believe it and want to make sure! Ridiculous i know! Am I crazy!? haha


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