Rhode Island Babies

Museum passes at the library

I've always known you can get discounted passes to many museums, zoos, aquariums etc at the library I've just never done it before.  This past week when it was so hot I looked into it and it was so easy!  Cant believe I've never done it!  I looked online to see if the Prov. childrens museum pass was available.  There was one left.  I called and asked if I needed to get it online and she said she could do it over the phone.  I read her my library card number and picked it up.  The pass gives you admission for up to 4 ppl at $2 per person!!  That is crazy.  The regular price is $8.50!  My mom, DD and I all went for the day in the nice AC for $6!  Just wanted to let everyone know bc now that I do I'll be making sure to check out the other places you can get into for great prices!
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