1st Trimester

re: "showing early" "controversy"??

OK I admit I have not read all the threads but got a whiff of this argument below, and man people, get a grip!  We are here to support each other, if you aren't here for that then go elsewhere IMO... I hope others agree.  I wanted to post because during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, I know for a fact that I DID show WAY earlier, and this is normally the case with pregnancies after you have had at least one, and from everyone I have talked to, both fellow moms and doctors etc., you tend to show faster with each subsequent pg.  My BFF (a mom of 2 who lives across the country from me) refused to believe that I was actually "showing" during my last pg when I was only, say, 7-11 weeks along (it ended shortly after in m/c :( )... she insisted I was just eating more or was bloated or both.  I wouldn't have believed it either but I could see it with my own eyes.  Just to make sure I wasn't going crazy, I showed other friends, as well as my BFF, pics of my belly every few days, and they ALL agreed I was most definitely showing.  I remember asking ppl the question "do I just look like I gained a few pounds, etc. or do I look pg?" to which without exception everyone would say pg, no doubt at all.  I have photographic evidence to prove it if you don't believe me, but I really don't care. My doctors all agreed and said everyone is different and after all it IS your 3rd... I also personally believe that it has to do with the fact that I was at one of my thinnest/most in-shape points when I got pg last time, so a sudden bump was hard to miss.  One more thing, I even had a random stranger in a waiting room (not OB, my eye doctor!) ask me when I was due, and this was when I was only 7-8 wks along!  True story.  EVERYONE is different, so who cares if someone really is showing or not right away?  THE FACT IS that it is definitely possible, like I said I have photographic evidence to prove it, lol. ;) 

Side note: this pg, so far no noticeable difference at all (yes it's early!)... but I was about 25 pounds heavier to start with this time... I truly think that, AT LEAST FOR ME... this makes a difference.

 OK just my 2 cents cause this argument pisses me off.  And the bottom line is I believe we are here to support each other not bring each other down or judge!  

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