Babies on the Brain

Maybe TTC

DH and I got married in May.  We waited till we were married to have sex, for lots of reasons.  Now, thinking about kids.  I've never been able to be on BC for health reasons, and so I've ALWAYS been freaked out about pregnancy.  And now that we have the ALL CLEAR for babies, I am finding the mental road block is wierding me out.  Being pregnant doesn't scare me, being a mother doesn't scare me (more that it should scare anyone) but the stress of getting pregnant is something I'm really not looking forward to.  Then again my dad had 4 siblings, and my mom had 5,  and I have 6 brothers and sisters.  So in my mind - getting pregnant can't be that hard, no one in my family tree seems to have a problem with it... 

I've talked it over with DH and he says "We are ready for kids now, and if it takes some time (insert sexy smile), I can deal with that too.  I married you, so the longer I have you to myself..... I'm fine with it!"  (sickeningly adorable, I know, and I really appreciate him for that!)

Anyone else's mind in the way of their lives?

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