Single Parents

Congratulations! You all are doing a great job as a single parent!


I am not a single parent, but 2 years ago I was deciding whether I would divorce my husband! We have come a long way since then with counselling and better communication! Anyway, my mother is a single parent and it recently hit me how hard she had it raising us! My parents divorced when I was 12 and she was left with 3 kids to raise and no child support (stupid agreement she struck with him to have him leave the state.). In any event, she quit her job, got childcare certification and ran a mini daycare center in her home. Little did I know at the time that daycare would have been crippling on her minimum wage salary and on top of it she didnt drive. Life was tough, but my siblings and I have all grown up to be upstanding citizens with good jobs. I just wish I had told her this more often and have since expressed my appreciation since becoming a mom!

Anyway- so i just wanted to take the time to write and let you know that even though I dont know you, I admire you for doing the very best that you can for your kids in diffficult situations! You are amazing parents who are strong, resourceful, and doing the best you can. My hubby and I work fulltime, and he does help out, but boy parenting is still hard work and a juggle at times, even with a partner! We're doing the best we can too, but I can't imagine how difficult it is for you!

 So keep up the good work and know that there are people out there who think single mothers are awesome and should receive kudos!

I'm stepping down from my sandbox now. 



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