1st Trimester

Wondfo tests vs. Digitals

First of all, I am still in shock that I am even here posting... I have been lurking around here for a while, but was sure that it would be a long time until I would be introducing myself with a BFP post. 


So this morning, I tested with a Wondfo (at about 11 am, so not my first morning urine... I was in total shock to see a light pink line--not as dark as the control, but easy to see). I immediately just decided that it was too good to be true, and I wanted to test again. I already had already flushed the contents of my pee cup (I was that sure that the test would be negative), so I chugged a glass of water and tested again. It was much fainter this time, but could still be seen without squinting too much :).


My question is, if I run and buy a digital test, would it show a positive today? My husband is at work, and I want to be able to show him a test that says pregnant. My mind is reeling with different ways to tell him.

... or, should I wait until tomorrow morning to test with the digi? 

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