1st Trimester

You truly amaze me.....

Wow I am very surprised to see how immature some people can be on this site. When I signed up I thought that it was going to be ADULTS ENCOURAGING EACH OTHER, not b^tches ragging on each other. I am one of those people who believed I was showing. But you know what, this is my first, and I don't know much about the way I feel regardless of all the classes I've taken! And for your information. I'm studying in the medical field now. And some doctors are believing some women show MUCH earlier than others because EVERY pregnancy is different. Each baby develops at it's own rate. So hey, before you decide to act this way... Do some research and I sure hope that all of you don't act this way in front of your children. Psychology (another of my studies) says that we learn our personalities from multiple people around us. I kind of hoped the bitchfest women believed they had to carry could be over but apparently some of us still live in HS. Sorry if this offends you...... the truth hurts! :) And no. I wont erase this. Maybe it will open some eyes!

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