Pregnant after IF

So Happy To Be Here!

Hi! I'm KRoseToes and I finally feel ready to post here. My betas have been low, but steady in doubling and I finally had a doctor tell me "Congratulations" today. Tomorrow they will call me so I can schedule my first ultrasound. I tend to be a sporadic weekday poster because I have a demanding job and a long commute, but I'll post as often as I can and I'll be around more on the weekends. I'm so happy that I'm finally here!!!

~ Married: December 2005 ~ Started TTC: December 2008 ~ Diagnosis: severe MFI, late ovulation, short LP ~ IVF/ICIS in June 2012 (long lupron protocol). Stims: 6/17/12, ER: 6/30/12 (6R, 5M, 4F), ET: 7/5/12 (1 4AA embryo transferred, 0 made it to freeze)
Beta#1: 7/14/12 - 55, Beta#2: 7/16/12 - 100, Beta#3: 7/18/12 - 199
Limbo for weeks, finally confirmed pregnancy not viable: 8/13/12 ~ D&C: 8/17/12
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